Saturday, February 11, 2006


What's the Point?

Page 4 of the Edmonton Sun today (Feb 11/06) tells an incredible story where guy who just had his drivers license suspended for 3 piddly months for killing someone in a crosswalk. He then got into his car and drove away. This, according to the Sun is after he surrendered his license to the court! Unbelievable! What's the point of a justice system if the convicted just do what they were just banned from doing? Not only did the guy up and do it at the courthouse, he did it in front of the MSM & the victim's family. Either this guy is an idiot or already knows that the justice system is going to be completely toothless in it's response to his violation of the law. As far as I'm concerned the only good place for this guy is in jail! He's been tried, convicted & sentenced and he didn't make it a half an hour before he violated the terms of his conviction. Since he's unwilling to meet the terms set out by the court maybe he needs to supervised the entire time to ensure he's compliant with the courts wishes. And what better place for him to be supervised than in a max security prison!

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