Monday, February 06, 2006


My New Website

About a week before all hell broke loose I started the process of creating my new web site. I've had a presence on the web since 1996 when I got my Telus account. I've since fired Telus since they don't think we're worth the time as far as hi-speed internet goes. I'm sure one day they'll just drop out of the sky and announce ADSL - and all I have to say is - sucks to be you! They should've got off thier asses and did it 8 years ago when they prepped the town for it. Yep, we've been ADSL ready for 8 years and Telus sat on it!

Anyway, I've been chugging away on the site and slowly re-creating my personality on it. Being a perfectionist, I've tried several different templates with content management system I've chosen. (Mambo for now) Oddly after a bunch of messing around with about 5 different ones I settled with the default installation! I'm just going to create my colour set of buttons, logo & background and say a big thank you to the template creator! So if you really get bored - the sites located @

As I go along I've started adding the stuff I want to present on the site. It's focus is going to be the outdoors stuff. Hunting, fishing & conservation are going to get the biggest plays. I might dabble in politics, but really there's enough of that going on right now already. There's really not much in the way of Canadian outdoor news aggregators out there and that's what I'm going to try to be. Hope you enjoy what you see there!

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