Friday, February 03, 2006


Conservative Silence

There's a number of blogs in Canada that purport conservative ideologies and I'm really beginning to wonder where their loyalties truly lie. Every time a Canadian says something or does something bad to the US they're all over the act for it's anti American sentiment. Yet it seems that every time that the US returns the favour, there's a code of silence. There's been several examples of this, the latest is the US military firing upon the Canadian embassy's vehicle in the green zone in Bagdad. Given there's 2 sides to this story that differ signifigantly which is fine - obviously you don't intentionally shoot @ friendlies BUT no comment what so ever from the 'conservative' Canadians? Very questionable indeed! It's as if they know that if they make a comment their friends in the US will resent it so they make no comment. I'm not going to spend 25 paragraphs defending my position, I'll let my AmerConservatives friends defend their view instead. In my opinion, if you really are a Canadian and someone does our country wrong, be it America or China or whoever, it deserves comment - not a gutless sweeping under the rug just so someone's feelings won't be hurt.

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