Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Scary Politicians

The Liberals & NDP have both been promoting the idea that the Conservatives are 'scary'. The premise has always been the Conservative's don't represent the true values of 'Canada'. Considering the core of Conservative's power base is western Canada, the value's argument is really a rejection of the west! So when the Liberal's attack ad's ask me to choose my Canada I have one very clear thought - the continuous rejection of the values of Canadian's who live east of Ontario. The blanket rejection is all too clear to us in the West. Every time the Liberals or NDP want to pick apart the erosion of public health care, it's off to the steps of the Alberta Legislature. Never mind the biggerst violators of the health act lie in far off Ontario & Quebec. Alberta's a pretty safe target, the Liberals & NDP stand to lose nothing, after all you can't alienate the alienated! I really find it a bit scary that politicians are willing to trample one region in order to gain votes in another. As someone close to me said; Canada's current politics are bothersome - too much like Yugoslavia was during it's death throes. Politicians are willingly working one region against another for political gain, and that is truly scary!

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