Saturday, January 21, 2006
Now it's a Stetson
The central Canadians are at it yet again. Yesterday the Liberals, the day before that Buzz Hargrove of the CAW, days before that the NDP and today the Bloc Quebecois. If a westerner were to utter such nonsense and lies he or she would be hauled off to jail. Unfortunately the same doesn't apply to eastern politicians, they all seem impervious to any amount of common sense and the pre-requisite intelligence to understand the damage that they are doing. They have chosen to swing a machete through the east/west divide and cause even more hemorraging. It's beyond me why anyone would think it's 'okay' to gain votes by demonizing part of the nations population. In fact the real evil is the willingness of the centralist parties to attack fellow Canadians simply to gain power. Western alienation is alive & well in Canada and it's being fertilized by the very people who fear it most.