Saturday, January 14, 2006


Feel the love

There's a post over at Workshop Buzz that really sums up the prevailing attitude towards the west. I'll give you the part of the exchange that pretty much left me stunned, just remember I'm the ignorant, uneducated westerner.

How is it that the Ontario economy helped the country for so many years and now that the roles are changing I hear people say ignorant things like lets kick Ontario out?

Let's see what the 'colonys' have to say about it. Ever heard of the thieving done to Alberta called the "National Energy Program"? How about the "Crow Rate", where the west got to pay the freight BOTH ways. Now that was a fair program - NOT. How about the Canadian Wheat Board - why does it end at the Manitoba border and why can every farmer east of the Manitoba border market thier grain to anywhere in the world freely while the western farmer has his hands tied. Why is it that after 60 years the CWB won't open it's books - citing the official secrets act. Why is it that if we're supposed to be in a democracy where the representation is supposed to be equal that we're short 35 seats in parliment by population in BC & Alberta and the Maritimes are over represented by more than that? Why is it that in west we have to work 24 weeks to get EI benefits and the Maritimes only need to work 16 weeks - even when our economies bust? Why is it a farmer can't collect EI, but a fisherman that clears $100,000 in 2 months can. How about it eh? You wanna send some of the money BACK to the west that's been pilfered over the years or do you somehow think you and your Liberal friends are more entitled to it?

and the come back?

Quote: And another thing.... if there is something you don't like about this country united then feel free to get out.

To which I responded:

Your response pretty much sums up why there's so much resentment in the west. Thanks for showing your TRUE colours!

Oh but wait he's not done with me yet! Here's the 'feel the love' response from our boy in Ontario

Enough from me responding to ignorant, uneducated hicks who know nothing of reality except their little piece of the praries and a $400 cheque form ralph buying their support.

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